Every pet owner strives to pick the best meal plans for their pooch. Healthy food is important for the pet to be happy, healthy, and active all day long. From excess itchiness on the skin to sneezing and diarrhea, different dog breeds might exhibit different symptoms when it comes to food allergies. Understanding the causes of food allergies in dogs is crucial before bringing home food for your pet dog.

Here’s a list of the common causes of food allergies in dogs:

Dairy Allergies
Lactose intolerance in dogs often appears in the form of digestive troubles and gas. Milk is to be avoided from the diet for the dogs that are allergic to lactose or find it difficult to digest lactose in milk. Though not a severe condition, bloating occurs due to dairy product allergies, and the dog’s appetite might also be affected temporarily.

Beef in Dog Food
Although beef is one of the most common meat inclusions in commercial dog foods, some dogs are allergic to it. Allergies can also be inherited in dogs. When pet owners continue to feed the same diet to dogs without altering the meat options in between, the dog’s immune system might start developing an intolerance to that meat. This is one of the common ways in which beef allergies are developed in many dogs. Allergy to beef might be indicated in the form of skin irritation among other symptoms.

Raw Egg Yolk
Raw eggs might cause problems in some dogs while there are some that can be allergic to the yolk. The whites separated and added to the meal can be gentle on the dog’s stomach in such cases. Like many other causes of food allergies in dogs, egg allergies occur when the proteins in egg lead to an overreaction of the dog’s immune system. Besides skin inflammation, wheezing can also be a sign of egg allergy in some dogs.

Soy Protien Allergy
Some dogs might be over-sensitive to soy proteins and this type of allergy can lead to severe symptoms in some cases. Soybean or even the flour of soybean in dog food can sometimes lead to the improper digestion of the proteins in the diet. Hypersensitivity to flea allergies might often accompany soy allergies. So, for dogs with soy allergies, combination treatments might be prescribed if the dog has recently consumed a meal that contains soy. Inflammation in the ears and eyelids, yeast infections, and vomiting are the most common symptoms when a dog is allergic to soy protein.

Being aware of these causes of food allergies in dogs comes handy for any pet owner. This awareness helps choose the best food for your dog knowing that the dog would not show any allergic reaction to the chosen food item. While diet-related allergies occupy only 10% of all allergies in dogs, these are often untreatable and so preventive measures are critical.