Maintaining a healthy lawn is important for several reasons. First, a healthy lawn looks good and can improve the curb appeal of your home. Second, a healthy lawn is more resistant to pests and diseases. Third, a healthy lawn helps to reduce erosion and water runoff, which is essential for preserving your environment. Finally, a healthy lawn is a great place for your family to play and relax. By following a few easy tips, you can keep your lawn looking great all season long:

1. Water early

 A lawn that’s not getting enough water will struggle to grow. However, sometimes just watering isn’t enough. Luckily, one of the easiest ways to avoid a patchy, dry lawn is to water your lawn early in the morning, before the sun is up. This will give the lawn time to absorb the water and dry before the sun can heat it up.

2. Test your soil

Another important step in lawn care is to test your soil. Healthy soil has the proper pH balance and appropriate amounts of phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients. By testing the soil, you can determine if it has any deficiencies and, subsequently, determine what type of fertilizer and mulch is best for your lawn.

3. Fertilize and mulch frequently

Fertilizing and mulching your lawn frequently will help it stay healthy. Both fertilizing and mulching infuse your soil with essential nutrients. Mulching can feed your lawn approximately 25% of its nutritional requirements for an entire year, which is especially essential if you grow flowering plants, trees, or vegetables in your garden. Be sure to use high-quality fertilizer and mulch to get the best results. 

4. Mow high and regularly

One of the most essential lawn care tips is to mow your lawn regularly and at a higher cut. This will help your lawn stay healthy, look great, and avoid turf damage from being mowed too short. You should also set your mower to clip at roughly 30 percent of the leaf blade to promote the growth of a larger root system, which makes the grass more tolerant of dry summer months.

5. Consider hiring a professional lawn service:

If you’re not sure how to properly care for your lawn, consider hiring a professional lawn service. They can help you get your lawn back to its best shape in no time, and establish it for years to come. You can easily find a local lawn service by searching for “lawn care near me”. Be sure to always check reviews to make sure that you will be receiving good value for your money. 

6. Train your dog

Spots saturated with dog urine can dry out or burn due to the acids, salts and nitrogen in their urine. The best way to avoid a lawn ruined by dog urine is to train your dog to pee in different areas or in one designated area that you don’t mind sacrificing. If training proves impossible, however, treat dry roots and burn spots with nitrogen rich fertilizer or neutralize the urine spots by spraying them with a mixture of water and vinegar.