Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) or kidney cancer is one of the most prevalent malignancies for both men and women. Usually, the tumor develops in the kidney tubules. Smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, and family history of cancer increase the likelihood of developing this medical condition. However, in most cases, it gets detected before metastasis. So, check out the following signs of renal cancer for early diagnosis.

Blood in the Urine
Discharging blood through urine (hematuria) is one of the most common signs of renal cancer. According to the position and stage of the malignancy, the urine appears pinkish, brownish, or red. However, if the discharge of blood is in minute quantity, then it is challenging to detect its presence with naked eyes. In this case, urinalysis can provide a confirmatory result.

Low back pain
Many patients also experience low back pain in the advanced stages of renal cell carcinoma. It develops when cancer spreads to the neighboring organs and affects the discs. The pain can either be a dull nagging ache, causing discomfort for a long time or a sharp pain on one side of the abdomen. So, if you experience a persistent low back pain (lasting for more than two days) without any injury, it is worth seeking an expert opinion.

Lump in the abdomen
A lump or mass in the abdomen is also among the signs of renal cancer. In the early stages, it is difficult to detect as the kidney rests deep inside the abdomen. However, in the advanced stages, you may feel it externally as a hard and bulging bump below the epidermis. If the cancer is slow-growing, then the lump remains of the same size for a few months. On the contrary, in aggressive kidney cancer, the tumor increases in size within a few months. Oncologists prescribe, ultrasound examination, CT scan, and biopsy for confirming and staging cancer.

Like numerous other malignancies, renal cancer patients also show a reduction in their erythrocyte count, thus manifesting anemia. In healthy conditions, the kidney signals the system to produce an adequate quantity of red blood cells (RBC). However, the tumor development interferes with the signaling, and the number of RBC decreases significantly in the circulatory system. They are unable to transport sufficient molecules of oxygen and nutrient to different cells in the body. It is why patients experience weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath in kidney cancer.

Weight loss
Unexplained weight loss may also be a sign of renal cancer. If this condition remains associated with loss of appetite and recurring fever, you should consult a doctor for a detailed analysis of your systems.

So, now you know about the various signs of renal cancer. If you experience any of these warning signs, do not hesitate to get a detailed analysis of your systems.