Type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition, has become quite common among children and adults on a global level. Along with eating a well-balanced diet, avoiding the wrong foods is important to prevent and manage this lifestyle-related condition. What one eats directly affects their blood sugar levels, and unmanaged diabetes can lead to several serious problems, including multiple organ damage.

Here are some of the various foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics:

  • Sugary beverages: Sugary beverages like canned juices and flavored sodas are absolute no-nos for diabetics. These drinks are high in carbs and loaded with fructose, an element associated with insulin resistance. Consuming these drinks increases belly weight and reduces metabolism, which may add to the risk of complications.
  • Foods high in transfats: Foods with transfats are among the most important ones to avoid for type 2 diabetics. These unsaturated fats are chemically altered to increase the shelf life of food products, and one can find them in fatty creams, sauces, peanut butter, crackers, and most baked goods. Although they do not affect the blood sugar levels directly, they can lead to other health issues that can worsen overall health.
  • Salty foods: Salty foods are also among the top ones on the list of the “foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics.” It does not add to the blood sugar levels, but it can increase the risk of organ failure associated with diabetes. The risk of organ failure is the highest when diabetics also develop hypertension, so they must keep their blood pressure in check to prevent any severe damage to the blood vessels.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol can cause a sudden drop in the blood sugar levels, which can be extremely dangerous. Additionally, it does not go well with the medications prescribed to type 2 diabetes patients. Moderation rules recommend men to not consume more than two drinks in a day and women to not have more than one drink per day.
  • Dried fruits: Fruits are loaded with nutritional values and must be part of the everyday diet, but dried fruits have a higher concentration of all the nutrients, including sugar. Type 2 diabetics should abstain from eating dried fruits and should opt for fresh fruits and those with low sugar content.
  • Fatty meats: If wondering which foods type 2 diabetics should avoid for managing the condition, fatty meats top the list. These meats can cause inflammation, increase cholesterol levels, and may even increase the chances of heart disease. So, diabetics should prefer skinless chicken, turkey, fish, and lean beef.
  • Sweetened cereals: Starting the day with a bowl of cereal is a great choice for everyone but diabetics. Store-bough cereals are generally sweetened with maple syrup, honey, and artificial sweeteners that can increase blood sugar levels, so they’re best avoided.

To manage diabetes, one must keep a check on what they eat. Following a healthy diet and eliminating the above-mentioned foods can improve the condition.