Wearing makeup makes us feel more confident and look more attractive. It hides “flaws” like uneven skin tone, short or sparse lashes, and can even help our features look more symmetrical. When doing makeup, many of us focus on our eyes. The first thing to do is to be sure you have the right tools in your makeup kit. Items like brushes, gel eyeliner, mascara, primer, and makeup remover are essential.
Getting eye makeup just right is a challenge. We’ve all poked ourselves in an eye, had a reaction to a particular liner or shadow, or even contracted an eye infection from a dirty applicator. Here are some tips to help you get the look you want:

1. Flatter your eye shape
If you want your eyes to pop, you need to apply shadow and eyeliner that flatters your eye shape. Choose colors that flatter your eye color and skin tone. Whether you have almond-shaped eyes, round eyes, or hooded eyes, the careful application of eyeliner and shadow will make them a stand-out.

2. Connect the dots for perfect wings
Wings can give a natural look or a dramatic, sultry look to your eyes. The length of the wings depends on the look that you’re trying to achieve. One easy way to get started is to make dots close to the lash line and then continue them upward towards the end of your eyebrow. The dots provide the framework. Use light strokes to connect them. Apply a lengthening mascara to your lashes and you’re done.

3. Use a magnifying mirror
It’s critical to see what you’re doing. Investing in a magnifying mirror is worth every penny. When choosing a magnifying mirror, check the magnification, light type, ease of adjustment, and safety rating. You’ll find it indispensable when you’re getting ready for date night.

4. Use paper to create a straight line
Wonder how some people manage to get the line so straight? It’s simple. Draw the line using paper as a guide. Be sure to select a medium-thick paper. Using gel eyeliner can make the job simpler.

5. Use two hands
When you are applying eye makeup, use two hands. Hold your eyelid taut with one hand and use the other hand to draw the line. It will be easier and you will have a more polished look.

6. Use an eye primer
Eye primer is one of the essential items in your makeup kit. When applied, it absorbs excess oil and creates an even surface for your eyeshadow. It helps your eyeshadow to last all day without gathering in your crease. Use a tiny bit and blend from your eyelash up to your brows. Select a nude or white shade to create a surface that allows eyeshadow colors to pop.

7. Smudging to cover up errors
Who hasn’t made a makeup mistake? Maybe one dot is a little too heavy or a line is a tad uneven. One quick and easy solution to smudge the offending area. Remember those, this technique should only be used with minor mistakes.

8. Eyeshadow for setting
To make your eye shadow go on more smoothly and last longer, spray your brush lightly with a setting spray. Note that water will also work in a pinch. It makes the shadow go on smoother and helps to prevent eyeshadow from falling onto your cheeks.